Chimériades IV

Publishers, Authors

Dear actors of the Role Playing world,

We often receive emails or phone calls from editors, authors, illustrators of the Roleplaying world, and we'd like to provide info about the way Chimeriades does work as far as this matter is concerned.

Most of the questions we have is about having a booth, have a free convention or have us take part in the expanses.

As for previous edition, Chimeriades will welcome guests of honor, among them authors among the best in the world.

These guests are the only one to be granted financial help from the Con.

The other people coming, whoever they are, are considered to be attendees and will have to pay the convention fee.

Chimeriades is not a game show in which the goal is to make money. On the contrary, this event is mainly devoted to the pleasure of meeting, sharing and gaming in a wonderful place for a full week-end.

Before all, you must come to be involved in the convention, and share with us a good week-end of gaming holiday.

Of course, we do understand that some of you want to take advantage of the opportunity to present their creations, share their enthusiasm about what they create. They are welcome to do that and we have some limited booth space to grant on demand. Please contact us to arrange something good.

If you share our philosophy, we'll be more than happy to welcome you at Chimeriades.


The Chimera Team